Free Google Docs Lesson Planning Template
for Secondary Teachers
A simple template you can use to organize your planning today!
Struggling to keep your lesson plans organized? Especially for all of the different courses you teach?
Or are you tired of the templates that include all the fluff you don’t actually need when planning lessons?
Having a simple, easy-to-use template to organize my lesson plans was a game-changer for me.
I created my own template in Google Docs that I could use week after week to keep my lesson plans organized for all of my preps.
Try it out for yourself, and simplify your lesson planning today!
Here’s what I love about using this lesson planning template in Google Docs:
✦ All of my changes are saved automatically
✦ It is easy to share with others
✦ It includes everything I need, and nothing that I don’t
✦ It is easy to edit the template as my needs change
Plus, this template keeps all of my ideas organized for an entire week!
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Hi! I'm Brianne Beebe.
I’m a high school math teacher and teacher productivity and organization coach. I support secondary teachers as they organize their classrooms, time, and instruction by providing practical solutions for creating systems.